SML-LX0603SYW-TR Lumex LED, YELLOW, 0.8MM X 1MM, 60MCD, 590NM

Part Nnumber
LED, YELLOW, 0.8MM X 1MM, 60MCD, 590NM
Basic price
19,30 EUR

The product with part number SML-LX0603SYW-TR (LED, YELLOW, 0.8MM X 1MM, 60MCD, 590NM) is from company Lumex and distributed with basic unit price 19,30 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Approx. production time is 17 weeks, Weight is 0.002 Kg, Custom Tariff 85414010, Origin Taiwan.

Bulb Size: 0.8mm x 1mm Forward Current If: 20mA Forward Voltage: 2V LED Colour: Yellow LED Mounting: SMD Lens Shape: Rectangular Luminous Intensity: 60mcd MSL: MSL 2 - 1 year Packaging: Cut Tape SVHC: To Be Advised Viewing Angle: 140° Wavelength Typ: 590nm

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